
I've been Lev 53 for 3 weeks in FFXIV

 I think he's not talking about people who tell him what to do or how to play, he's just talking about friendly people in general, in this kind of games sometimes the only thing you need it's a good friend. :I apparently I'm not even close to heavenward at all even though I just finally met leviathan haha. There's just so much to do in the game xD (I started 4 month ago) and the side quests were entertaining too. I'm always 10 Lev above my msq til last week. But I've been Lev 53 for 3 weeks now haha.  The Garlean looks really good on my phone wallpaper, although it was a bit big for my S8 resolution. Had to crop the original to make it look good. FFXIV Gil He looks like he has a lightsabre though XD, that's why he is on my phone! Dragonsong one is beautiful. ;w;

Although, I do have one peeve about the the job class poster... isn't the warrior and the samurai supposed to be the same guy? Pretty sure the Warrior/Dragoon became the Monk.Pretty sure the Warrior/Dragoon became the Monk.  ARR: Warrior, HW: Dragoon: SB: Monk, the Samurai has a different facial structure and darker hair. Hm, Buy FFXIV Gil I guess my friends were wrong then. They kept saying that the SAM from the trailer was Derplander teleporting to Doma and some shizz.  It was just showing the SAM as derplander cause in the benchmark video you make a character run it as them character. And derplander represents your character if that makes.

Am just more confused nao, Esuna ples. Art looks great! You guys should make a background for PS4 themes more.  You know what would be HOT - a Final Fantasy - Doctor Who crossover. Omg I would be in 7th heaven(HilldyWho!!!) Uh....no. No thanks. I love both series, but they definitely shouldn't cross over. Sorry I think Hilldy and Who would make my life complete. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Am I the only one who finds the summoner's position oddly uncomfortable? Square enix greedy fuckers. Well to be fair. Aren't all big companies mainly in it for the money? If you a referring to paid dlc, p2p or a cash shop with nothing more than cosmetic stuff then I want to see you work for free.

Don't get me wrong you have the right to your opinion but just because you don't want to support the devs doesn't make them greedy. Personally, I don't mind supporting a game if it gives me quality entertainment. :) lately, there have been a lot of shitty games coming out... I prefer a pay to play format for an MMO honestly. From my experience, (15 years playing MMOs) pay to play usually nets a better quality game in general imo. Go play Neverwinter for a month, then get back to us...mmm hmmmn In the end no matter how you look at it everyone needs money. I for one am more than happy to support SquareEnix as they have made some of my favorite games. Also I have never been this invested in an MMOs characters before. I have resorted to saying Previously on game of Thrones: Heavensward everytime I log in.


BNS Level 50 Character Creation Vouchers

So, you want my money?... Never There is a other option to buy that aside on your real money.  only noobs rely on real money smh, jk lol bye. Don't worry i wont spent 60$ on that outfit. Please consider releasing the weapon skin pack separately someday .I hope they release sea server to make new character:) and all with start again.  Nah. If I can't win it, then I don't want it . Level 50 Character Creation Vouchers are 20% off until May 2! P2W the act of paying real life money for in-game gold provided by developers to achieve end-game content, from weapons to armor/etc. Hongmen coins into gold is not p2w idk what is, people farm for HOURS just to Blade and Soul Buy Gold get the best wep, but now u can buy all the parts needed to make wep, ya people say it doesn't affect pvp in terms of arena, but how about open world?

That crap, when game starts all test beta and alfa than is bean amezing... But now with craps all like that whoucher game is fkt up... And I stop playing because is just waist of time pay to win, this project no worth it for support any more... Has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like?  Lol what is pay to win :p If you suck then you suck xD This voucher is for those that want to make another alt and just puke with the story for the nth time lol. Besides that there is basically nothing pay to win. Just like in lol since they are going to make it major esport 😂 well they hope too tough the America and Asia going to be most major contributors unfortunately :(

Has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like? lol, most contents starts from level 50. for veteran players, not going to do all those regions again time and time again, no sir. Keep repeating to yourself that and keep crying fact is fact. You wanna lvl and items just put money and you have it is easy peasy. cheap Blade and Soul Gold Your comments - you suck - And other crap what you write is just show my point you denying true. Keep repeating keep insulting but deep in heart you know im right... I play more in asian server atm and i feel sry why i support this project in EU region put money for nothing... :D Good luck my friends and gg for you.

The thing is no one likes leveling to the end game too much. And even still f8 is still cancer so good luck getting into things like naryu foundry normal mode with your alts. I swear people dunno about the 2% who know mechs from being on their mains. You can't even say you suck because on both ends of the spectrum is pay to progress. We're lucky that the animus isn't on the cash shop. lol this game not p2w.. their have trovee u just spend ur gold for trovee, only lvl 50 voucher just give u nothing and u call that p2w? LOL, this voucher vry2 helpfull for who lazy up lvl and have money for that, but for veteran player dont need it, up lvl from main quest still fast.