
fruition along with rs3

When I first started playing, I liked the challenge of unlocking new teleport methods and areas, otherwise I had to walk.

All they gotta do now is walk to the lodestone and unlock it, done.Um...was not the overwhelming success of 07 a clue to you that more is not always better? That easy is not always the sure path?????? Less lodestones, please. You're making all other types of transport and teleportation useless buy runescape account.

What happened to this being OUR game??? Do you ever listen to us anymore? I was hoping that with the voting on updates in 07 would bleed over Runescape accounts selling to EOC. Evidently not. Sure takes you folks a long time to learn things.

Of course the me, me, I, I generation wants it ALL NOW. They always do. They have no sense of adventure, no imagination and most of all no sense of accomplishment because you hand it all over on a silver platter then pat them on the head and say...see what a good noob you are?

Come on Jagex. We already know you want to be first in technology or EOC never would have come to fruition along with rs3 sell runescape accounts. But that's another thing that sticks in my craw. A lot of players STILL can't access it because you have updated yourselves out of their reach. You do realize that IP's are limiting folks on time, usage and other goodies but you just keep adding more and more and more.

Since we already have the Camelot tele why put a loadstone there too?????? I say we should have voted where to put them all to begin with instead of plopping more in the game.

