
Farmer100 blog---Free Character Transfers Available

The Blizzard providers free transfers off of realms that are currently seeing high queue times. If you’re on one of the below realms and would like to avoid waiting in queues to play, you can take advantage of these free transfers.

The current transfers will go until approximately 9:00 a.m. PDT, October 4. Please be aware that, due to the unpredictable nature of free transfers, the Blizzard may close down any transfers at any time and without warning in your wow account if the destination realm becomes full. If you plan to move with friends or your guild, I suggest that you coordinate the effort to reduce the chance of any stragglers being left behind.

Although free Guild Master Realm Transfers are not possible at this time, these free character transfers will allow you to retain your guild membership and reputation, provided the guild master completes a Guild Master Realm Transfer to the destination realm first, and does not change factions.

