
Do you have an addiction to WOW?

Are you sure that you have an addiction to WOW? If the game has a negative impact on your life, if you crowd out all your free time to play wow, if you spend a lot of money buying fake gold to get something like an “epic-level sword”, even if you often eat meals at the computer-microwave burritos, energy drinks, foods that required only one hand…Sorry to tell you, you have wow addiction indeed.

This addiction will bring you some serious consequences in your real life. For example, social isolation will decrease your time which you spend with friends or family, and you always use sleeping time to play late at night, it’s bad for your health, or you’ll be late to work…

In this case, do you want to stop the addiction to save yourself? Here are some suggestions for you.

1 Admit you have an addiction
May be it’s hard for you to accept that wow has taken over your life, but this is the first step to solve problem.
2 Make a decision
Imagine the situation that you still crazy about wow two years later. If your friends in real life get away from you, if you lost your job because playing wow at work. What should you do now? Just make a decision to limit your time on games.
3 Find the reason
The next important thing is to find out why wow is so attractive to you. Is it the fact that your friends play it, and you want to enjoy the friendship? Or you want to release tension from the day and get the challenge and accomplishment from the quest? Find the real reason.
4 Seek another hobby
Find something else you enjoy doing to release tension, may be you can get a part time job to manage your time, or try to play sports like basketball with your friends who have the same problem with you. I think everything that keeps you outside of your home, away from your computer is worth trying. Remember, during the process, it will become more effective to set parental controls from your family. In addition, you also can use a complicated password that you are sure to quickly forget or let your family member manage the password you don’t know.
5 The last way-sell wow account
There are many lazy players around the wow, willing to pay for an exiting wow account. This is a nice way to help you stop playing, after you sold your character, you won’t be able to control it any longer. What’ more, if the character you sold is in high-level and fully equipped, there is little fun and challenge even if you return to play it again.

