
pets will join advantage in Blade and Soul

it is nightmare even for swipers XD best way is to use them wen u need them other than that just hide them in ur bag so they dont need food. I'm pretty sure it isn't a nightmare for sensible people who don't rush for such stuff in the first place. It's nice owning one, but it's optional and it only provides slight HP increase at the most. Purple pets stay for 40hrs before u get to recharge them, blue ones.. i think 20hrs. Those pets.. when maxed gives u 15k hp + 900+ def. Im not tempting u. Blade and Soul Gold Im just saying the stats xD the recharge item is 1hr/pot (no idea how NA will call that recharge item) other than that.. those pets dont do anything but to look cute beside ur char.

I will just use them in ssp aganist mercenary. How about an update so that I don't have to temp disable my AV Firewall to load the game?
Pets are nice; feeding them gets tedious though.Same problem. You really need to disable your anti virus (AVG) before starting BNS. Avg is just bad ide go for an Antivirus that scores well.. Might as well just use Windows defender.

Christian Ishida loll... Cheap Blade and Soul Gold avg is the worst antivirus ever. seriously just use windows defender or mse. and since you already installed avg, good luck getting rid of it and all the crap its going to leave behind.btw AVG can has probably deleted some dll files in your system directory, just saying. Get a better anti virus McAfee doesn't blocks my game.

Will this update finally fix your servers/enable in-game ping boost like in Aion? I'm less than 500 miles from your main servers and I still get 200+ ping 5 months after release. You banned me for using WTFast which actually made the game playable at the ping I should be at, so instead of adding 'pets' and more content can you please make your game stable or let people use proxies/vpn's? PLS&thx. Great that pets will join our advantage but take care of the bots and spammers would be even better! Petnip will cost. How long before they start selling add-ons to decrease stamina burn or increase Chi, fetch drops automatically, etc? Maybe a max-ed out pet will glow or do some other trick to make it clear THAT pet comes with a credit card swiper attached. All of this stuff can be set to require constant payments and make lots of .

