Do you even listen to your community? Nobody is asking for more battle pets. Blizzard you're losing your integrity really fast. sorry ryan a good 70%+ of the playerbase is just casual LFR hero's. they have to make cheap DFO Gold the game for their majority. I have always collected the pets, long before Pandaria. Just because you don't doesn't mean no one wants them. I miss talking to people in parties, or in main cities. Now all you see are trolls in /2.
Right before I quit, there wernt even trolls in /2 anymore, at least on my server frown emoticon. If you can even talk to people. All chat is about whining about hunters or talking about anal. There is no real convo's anymore. Subs were much much lower, like say in vanilla or bc. But you knew that, right? Or maybe not since I'm guessing that's when you left and you just like to troll. Ryan u are wrong, vanilla sub grown every month, wod goes down every week. That's the difference.
Ryan youre a moron, obviously you have to look at his statement in context, not compare now to vanilla. Ryan O'Hara, in vanilla subs were rising buy DFO gold. Now subs are dropping faster than they've ever risen.. They dont wonder why subs have lowered, idiot. They know good and well, that's why WoD wont last long. actually they aren't wondering. in their interview they expected the loss and 'everything is fine'. We want to fly, Anthony. It's a big part of the game for some of us. You have every right stay on your ground mount. Enjoy!&DFO Gold; Flying IS that bigger deal to people who have limited play time due to real life taking priority. By the time you got from one place to another, your game time is halved... Enabling flying would allow people with limited time to do that little bit more by getting there quicker... Most of the time I don't pay sub because I don't see the point when I can barely get anything done.