
Final Fantasy Collectors

As a DRG from FFXI Rise of the Zilart, i'm so damn pleased to see us shine atleast in a CGI haha Hail DRGs!

Join my new Final Fantasy Collectors group. Share and look at some amazing Final Fantasy memorabilia .&FFXIV Gil ; Everyone is psyched for Dragoon, and I'm sitting here waiting for Red Mage, haha.  Major fan girling right now but be warned it does have some spoilers from main story.

That Spoiler Alert in the beginning was MUCH APPRECIATED, I just finished the last story quests and HO-LY CRAP.   Considering this is pretty much leading to SKY, I'm guessing the next expansion will be SEA.

 I stopped to buy FFXIV Gil at the part where it said it had spoiers...I'm almost done with the entire story line - MUST WAIT! LOL Can't wait to watch it though!    Yeah, HUGE spoilers in there and you don't learn about that until the end of 2.55, so wait until you clear the ENTIRE main storyline before watching.

